
The Insignia Community Foundation can only make grants to charitable organisations with an Australian Taxation Office Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement of DGR1 / Item 1.

The Australian Government's Australian Business Register at www.abr.business.gov.au enables you to search your organisation's name or ABN and see whether it is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Receipt (DGR) and Tax Concession Charity (TCC).

All grants are GST exclusive from the Insignia Community Foundation.


Applications are only welcome during the months of July and December each year. The Foundation will not accept applications outside these timeframes. Applicants are required to submit an Expression of Interest form in the first instance.

A grant is generally provided for a one-year period. Grantees have the option to have a multi-year funding of two years. Multi-year funding is subject to satisfactory progress reports, and a further application may be required to continue the grant.

Please apply to the impact area that best fits your organisation and program. Organisations do not need to align with more than one impact area to have a greater possibility of receiving funding. Programs that strongly align with one impact area will be considered just as closely as a program that aligns with more than one impact area.

Post application

Your Expression of Interest is reviewed by the Community Lead. After an initial review, you may be contacted to request further information, discuss the program and we may make an appointment to meet you. A short-list of programs will be put forward to Foundation Directors as recommendations for grant funding.

Only if you are seeking money for a different program or have received pre-approval.

Generally, the process of evaluation, assessment and approval takes approximately three to four months. You will be notified via email whether or not you have been successful.

Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are not always able to provide individual feedback.

The Community Lead will meet with all organisations which have been selected for grant funding. These organisations may or may not meet with the Foundation Directors, which will decided at the time, depending on a number of factors.

As we assess a large number of applications, unfortunately we are unable to meet with all non-profit organisations during the application process.


In collaboration with our community partners, the Insignia Community Foundation and grantees will follow a reporting framework to understand the impact of the grant and program on the intended beneficiaries.

This will involve six-monthly reporting from the grantee by using its own reporting tools to explain progress against key milestones and to provide an update on initiatives. An annual report will be provided by the grantee by using the Foundation’s reporting template where expenditure statements will also be required.

All grants are made subject to the terms and conditions of the Insignia Community Foundation agreement. The Insignia Community Foundation agreement outlines obligations for grantees, such as reporting and evaluation.

Failure to comply with the reporting requirements of activities funded will result in the organisation being declared ineligible for funding in future funding rounds (until the report is received) – and, in some cases, may result in the grantee having to return the grant funds, as per the agreement and as arranged with the grantee.

Media and Publicity

We are grateful for acknowledgement of the Insignia Community Foundation, as related to the funded program in published materials, such as social media and annual reports. Prior to publication, acknowledgements and relevant materials need to be provided to the Foundation for review and approval.

Contact us

For all enquiries, please email the Community Lead at Foundation@insigniafinancial.com.au.