The Insignia Community Foundation welcomes grant applications during the months of July and December each year.


The Foundation will not accept applications outside these timeframes.

Applicants are required to submit an Expression of Interest form (PDF, 267KB) in the first instance by emailing the form to

This form provides the Foundation with sufficient information to determine whether the request can be progressed to a full application and for consideration by the Foundation Directors.

If required, we may request additional information such as:

  • a copy of the latest annual report
  • audited financial statements, and
  • a copy of the organisation’s Constitution including Objects/Statement of Purposes.

Important information

  • In conducting due diligence and preparing requests for consideration by the Directors, the Foundation will contact applicants to discuss any further questions and may request an online or in person meeting.
  • The Foundation has finite funds and a clear purpose, and will not be able to support all applications, no matter how worthy. Rejection of an application does not mean that the program and organisation is not well regarded. Some applications may be reconsidered at a future time at the discretion of the Insignia Community Foundation.
  • Applications will be advised of the outcome via email or phone call.
  • To be eligible for grant funding from the Foundation, charitable organisations must have an Australian Taxation Office Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement of DGR1 / Item 1.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria will be based on the following:

  • Programs may be preventive and are being delivered as an early intervention initiative or programs may be addressing or relieving an existing need for its participants.
  • Clear details on why the program exists, the problem or gap the program is addressing and how the program will be delivered.
  • Program outcomes explained, including realistic, measurable and achievable goals that consider how people were connected, improved and impacted through the program.
  • Evidence of good corporate governance.
  • Sustainability of the program beyond our support.
  • Considered use of technology to achieve scale, realise greater efficiencies, see environmental benefits and/or improve the experiences of people during program delivery or post-program.

Funding amounts

Grants through the Insignia Community Foundation typically range from $10,000-$150,000 per year. Please provide budget information via the Expression of Interest form to enable us to evaluate the grant amount requested against funds available to distribute.

Geographical considerations

Grants will be considered for organisations represented and managing programs in any Australian State or Territory.

Grant funding exclusions

In general, the Insignia Community Foundation will not support funding for the following:

  • To or on behalf of individuals
  • Capital funds and building works
  • General fundraising appeals
  • Ongoing organisational operating expenses
  • Motor vehicles and buses
  • Government entities
  • Private schools
  • Overseas programs
  • Other foundations
  • Retrospective requests
  • General fundraising appeals or commercial sponsorships
  • Organisations that are restrictive based on financial, religious or cultural origin
  • Sport, recreation or social activities for their own sake
  • One-off activities such as camps and festivals
  • Debt retirement, budget deficits, endowments or bequest program
  • Travel, study or conferences
  • Provision of health and medical services
  • Projects which duplicate existing services
  • Research, except in special circumstances at the Board's discretion
  • Protection and welfare of domestic animals
  • Requests identical to previously submitted, unsuccessful applications

Approved applications

Once a grant is approved, we request the successful organisations to:

  • Sign and return a grant agreement
  • Provide a tax invoice (excluding GST) for payment
  • Provide a receipt of payment
  • Review the required annual reporting template and six-monthly reporting requirements

More information

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email