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Responsible investment is the way in which we apply environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles to our investment and superannuation business. Our Responsible Investment Statements describe the role responsible investment plays in the assessment, selection and monitoring process of externally appointed investment managers.

The statements outline three core responsible investment beliefs:

  • environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors can be a source of opportunity and risk in the management of investment portfolios;
  • the consideration of ESG factors assists in meeting our long-term performance objectives; and
  • active ownership through proxy voting and company engagement can influence corporate behaviour.

Insignia Financial has a number of regulated responsible entities, which have related Responsible Investment Statements, outlining their application of ESG factors to their investment portfolios:

Information on active ownership, including our ‘Proxy Voting Standards’ and reporting on how we have used our proxy voting powers can also be found through these links.